
The Whisperweir is a Veblen-class Digital Exploration Vehicle (DXV) capable of evaluating up to 256 unique generated timelines per step with an 8-1 selection ratio. This extraordinarily high ratio largely stems from its capacity to store observed entities and relations in a knowledge graph and rank generations by consistency with said graph. In this sense, the Whisperweir has a “common-sense” knowledge of the discretized spacetime of the multiverse.


Reality Syntax Processor

The Reality Syntax Processor is responsible for evaluating OEU-generated texts and producing from them logical statements known as “temporal semi-axioms.” Temporal semi-axioms are formal statements about the state or value of a given existence at some absolute generation step (incremented discretely by each new generation).

Experience Dynamic Memory

The EDM is responsible for storing observed entities, relations and values as well as deriving new values associated with a given system from the RSP’s evaluated temporal semi-axioms. It also stores novel systems and their properties. In cases where an entity or relation has been encountered previously, new values assigned to the given entity will be entity. Confidence values are kept for each generation of specific Existence, Relation and / or Value, signaling to the engine the most probable next state to take. EDM architecture largely resembles the Esper Neural Network.

Oracular Engine Unit

The Oracular Engine Unit is a specialized hypermodel with a specifically tailored instruction set for generating events. During the tES-Runtime (temporal Existential Syntax Runtime), the OEU begins with a single axiom (an intial absolute state), and then generates a series of timeline steps (incremented discretely by each new generation). For each step, the OEU generates approximate probability calculations of the synthetic interpretive semimemes in real-time and produces information based off of the most probable states given its current EDM information as context.


For each generation, the OEU produces 256 new instructions to evaluate by the RSP. It then iteratively selects an instruction from the heuristic list of top 8 and forwards those results to the EDM for processing prior to the next gen step. Additionally, the OEU will keep two additional probabilities associated with each temporal semi-axiom: value and absolute. The value is considered by the OEU to be a reasonably accurate representation of the normalized value stored in the EDM for the entity, value and relation exhaustively explored by the semi-axiom. The absolute is the sum of the generated value and the EDM value prior to the current tES-runtime generation.

During the iterative generation process, each outcome in the heuristic set of 256 is evaluated, culled and reevaluated prior to the next generation and the overall selection of 8 axioms based on real-time heuristic evaluation. The OEU will select the 8 most probable iterations per generation, which will ultimately effect its EDM observations of values associated with each axiom. An absolute concrete satisfying axiom selection is not always guaranteed.

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